- "After the Implementation of DCV Evolution, we are Already Planning the Second Stage of Future Development for our Company."
- "Transformation will become an ongoing process that will be our ally in the future."
- “We must Consolidate what we have called our New Way of Working.”
- 2019 Ordinary meeting of depositors
- 2022 DCV Depositors' Meeting
- 2022 Executive of the Year Award Online Event
- 2023 Annual Meeting with Clients
- 30 Years of DCV and the Market that it Serves: Achievements and Challenges
- 42% of Chileans have a Low Level of Financial Knowledge
- ACSDA Publishes a Newsletter with its Latest Activities
- Alberto Etchegaray: "We must attend Chile Day with a Country Purpose."
- ANNA Appoints a New Board Member and Re-elects Euroclear and DCV
- ANNA Celebrates its 30th Anniversary
- Assembly of Depositors meets in its XXVI version
- Auna Blockchain adds new partners
- AUNA Blockchain: An Opportunity Found by DCV in Technology Innovation
- Auna Open Challenge: An Opportunity for Startups and Potential Blockchain-Based Innovative Solutions
- AUNA: A Blockchain Innovation Initiative that Transforms Ecosystems
- Bulletin DCV “Postponement of the transfer of the offices of Paseo Huérfanos 770”
- CEF Seminar - DCV Analyzes the Impact of the Pension Funds Withdrawal in the Chilean Capital Market
- Challenges for Our Capital Market
- Circular Letter N° 352 "DCV Informs About Securities Eligible for Custody"
- Citi Appointed Global Custodian for Depósito Central de Valores, the Central Securities Depositary for Chilean Securities
- Claudia Bobadilla is the Keynote Speaker in the Third Session of the Annual Cycle of Discussion Groups
- Clementina Torres: The First Woman to Lead the Operations Management of Depósito Central de Valores
- Click&Vote Platform Usage for Holding Shareholders Meetings Increased 64% in 2021
- Click&Vote Platform Usage for Holding Shareholders Meetings Increased 64% in 2021
- Colombian Startup Obtains the First Place in the Open Innovation Tournament Organized by DCV, Gtd, and the Santiago Stock Exchange through AUNA Blockchain
- Communication and closeness with clients, key factors for DCV
- Consultation with Depositors on Service for Special Pledge
- Cyber Security as the Backbone of DCV
- DCV "Quality of Life" Project - The Well-being of Our Collaborators is Vital
- DCV Advances in Digitization with the Equity Deposit and Withdrawal Service
- DCV and its Network of International and National Partnerships
- DCV and its Relationship with Security
- DCV begins a series of talks “Economic, political and social key elements to go through 2021”
- DCV Celebrates its 30th Anniversary
- DCV Celebrates the Successful Installation of the DCV Evolution Platform
- DCV Congratulates the Winner of the 2022 Executive of the Year Award
- DCV Continues its Transformation to Improve the Quality of its Services
- DCV Develops a Technology Project to Promote the Issuance of Digital Assets
- DCV Ends this Period of Shareholders Meetings with 134 Events, 45% of the IPSA Companies Choose Remote Attendance
- DCV Establishes an Important Partnership with FinteChile to Promote Innovation in the Financial Market
- DCV Evolution: We Continue Working and Training the Market to Renew our Services Platform
- DCV Extends the Scope of its Crime Prevention Model Certification
- DCV is Committed to Financial Education by Promoting the Inclusion and Financial Education Discussion Board
- DCV is Invited to Participate in the “Women in Finance Round Table” (MEF)
- DCV is Part of the Launching of the Decalogue that Promotes Women’s Participation in the Financial World
- DCV Keeps its Business Continuity Management System and Information Security Management System Certifications
- DCV Once Again Supports the Award for the Executive of the Year
- DCV Participates in a Global Securities Depositories Event
- DCV Participates in an Event to Reinforce its Commitment to Integrity, Ethics, and Best Practices
- DCV Participates in the "Women, Financial Education, and Risks" Discussion Space
- DCV Participates in the "Women, Financial Education, and Risks" Discussion Space
- DCV Participates in the Most Important Securities Depositories Event in the World
- DCV Provides Infrastructure for the Internationalization of ScaleX
- DCV Registros Accompanies its Clients in a Successful Closing of the Shareholders´ Meetings Period
- DCV Registros Obtains a Good Global Satisfaction Score
- DCV Reinforces its Commitment with the Market and Establishes a Partnership with InBest
- DCV Renews its International Certifications that Guarantee Business Continuity and Information Security
- DCV Representatives Participated in the Most Important Chilean Innovation Event Abroad
- DCV Representatives Participated in the Most Important Chilean Innovation Event Abroad
- DCV was part of the Finance 2100 Podcast
- DCV will chair the General Assembly of Americas Central Securities Depositories Association
- DCV: Guillermo Tagle Q., is appointed chairman and María Eugenia Wagner joins as director
- DCV's "2023 Quality of Life" Program Ends Successfully
- Delivering Solutions When It Matters the Most
- Depósito Central de Valores (DCV) Becomes Part of the Regional Custodians´ System in a Partnership with Citi
- Depósito Central de Valores (DCV) Enables an Issuance and Custody Infrastructure to Implement Electricity Tariff Stabilization Fund Mechanisms
- Depósito Central de Valores launches new CSD technology platform to strengthen the financial services ecosystem
- Depósito Central de Valores Lays out its Focus of Work for 2023
- Depósito Central de Valores to Digitize Securities, Leveraging Nasdaq Technology
- Developments DCV Evolution Work continues to progress according to plan
- Developments DCV Evolution: Activities scheduled for 2019
- Digital Innovation Open Challenge in Chile
- Don´t miss out LAST SESSION! 2017
- Enrique Marshall Opens the DCV Annual Discussions Cycle
- ESE and MIEF Start a Course for Journalists in the World of Finance
- Financial Education Board (MEF) launches course for journalists that brings together leaders of the economic world
- Guillermo Toro is the new Architecture and Development Manager at Depósito Central de Valores
- HSBC Bank Chile Issues a Perpetual Bond in the National Market through the Infrastructure of Depósito Central de Valores (DCV)
- HSBC Bank Chile Issues a Perpetual Bond in the National Market through the Infrastructure of Depósito Central de Valores (DCV)
- Integrity is one of the Pillars of How We Do Business
- International Diploma in Alternative Investments - Online 7.0-2022
- International investors to gain unprecedented access to Chile through Euroclear
- Interview to Rodrigo Roblero, General Manager of Depósito Central de Valores (DCV)
- January 16th will be a holyday in the Metropolitan Region
- Javier Jara, Legal and Corporate Affairs Manager and Manager at DCV, Turned Over the Chairmanship of ACSDA
- La Polar Serie H Bound Swap
- Message from the General Manager
- MIEF and ESE Start a Course for Finance Journalists
- Notice of La Polar Serie H Bound Swap Offer
- Operating hours for Thursday, March 29 th, 2018
- Operation hours for December 22nd and 29th, 2017
- Ordinary assembly of depositors
- Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders
- Our 2021 in Numbers
- Policy of the Business Continuity Management Sistem
- Regulation No. 432 of the CMF extends the financial instruments that may be held in securities depositories
- Responsible Tax Agent: a new service for our clients
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