DCV News


DCV Advances in Digitization with the Equity Deposit and Withdrawal Service

Rodrigo Roblero, gerente general del DCV.

The digitization and automation project introduces the generation of reports and electronic transactions, thus replacing the traditional physical forms and manual authorizations.


Depósito Central de Valores (DCV) has taken a step forward in its effort to modernize and optimize its operations by implementing a digitization and automation model for equity deposit and withdrawal processes. This advancement is part of an organizational roadmap to improve operational efficiency, response times, and user experience.

The benefits of the new digital model are, first, time optimization because transactions will be processed faster and more efficiently through online interfaces, which also include digital registration and data validations.

Rodrigo Roblero Arriagada

Second, the incorporation of an electronic signature for authorizations will add another security layer, eliminating the need for manual validations and physical signatures. Finally, transactions will be approved in a more expedited manner, considering the authorization of issuers through detailed electronic reports, reducing manual work and the physical exchange of documents to increase the security of transactions.

On the other hand, the adoption of modern web applications and advanced security protocols compatible with the most widely used browsers significantly improves user experience. Processes will be faster, and they will create traces for all those involved, facilitating audits and following-up transactions.

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Also, access to applications will be unified through the same current credentials (user, password, and token), which simplifies and ensures access.

With this new digitization and automation model, Depósito Central de Valores reaffirms its commitment to innovation and operational efficiency, adapting to the current technology challenges and improving the security and level of satisfaction of its users.



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The New Sustainability Policy of DCV

Rodrigo Roblero, gerente general del DCV.

“This new Sustainability Policy is the roadmap that prioritizes our adaptation to the social, environmental, and corporate governance challenges that we face as a society," said Rodrigo Roblero, General Manager of Depósito Central de Valores.


In the ongoing quest for better governance and transparency practices, this year, Depósito Central de Valores decided to advance in the design of a Sustainability Strategy through a participative process that involved its collaborators and directors. 

This initiative aims to formalize and provide visibility to the social responsibility undertaken by the company with its clients, shareholders, regulators, collaborators, communities, and other stakeholders. Its purpose is to promote trust according to our corporate values and lead by example.

Rodrigo Roblero Arriagada

"This milestone is an important step in our ongoing commitment to contributing to the company's sustainable development. Our Sustainability Strategy is, without a doubt, the roadmap that prioritizes our adaptation to the social, environmental, and corporate governance challenges that we face as a society," said General Manager Rodrigo Roblero.

Regarding commitments, the strategy comprises four fundamental action pillars: strengthening good governance and corporate integrity; promoting organizational culture through the development, care, and well-being of our team, communities, and clients; adopting a proactive attitude for environmental changes, integrating them in the decisions of DCV and ensuring the proper and ongoing operation of services, creating trust in the financial market.

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The policy will be accompanied by an action plan establishing the initiatives, temporality, and indicators to be implemented according to each pillar and dimension. The update of this plan will be reviewed annually by DCV's Board of Directors through its Culture and Sustainability Committee in their opening session each year.

The General Manager said that "the main challenge today is innovating in services, anticipating to the interests of our clients, and integrating sustainability in our daily tasks. All the above together with a technology transformation done with the highest security and transparency standards, under the perspective of integrity and cybersecurity."



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DCV's Commitment to Social Responsibility


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The company signed an agreement of triple cooperation with Corporación Juntos por la Infancia and Corporación Hogar de Menores Cardenal José María Caro for education, recreation, and community development programs.


According to the sustainability policy of Depósito Central de Valores, the company is committed to promoting the development, care, and well-being of its team, communities, and clients through excellence, respect, and cooperation.

Considering this, DCV aims at creating a positive impact in communities. The company recently signed an agreement of triple cooperation with Corporación Juntos por la Infancia and Corporación Hogar de Menores Cardenal José María Caro, whose purpose is to create education, recreation, and community development programs.

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Erika Barrios, Organizational Culture and Development leader of DCV says that one of the social responsibility actions undertaken is their relationship with the environment through corporate volunteer work. "This reflects our commitment to vulnerable communities and the creation of long-term relationships to create positive social impacts in the pursuit of social development in the country". 


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The cooperation agreement formalizes the commitment of DCV to participate in the "Juntos por la Infancia: una empresa, una residencia" program to benefit almost 40 boys, girls, and adolescents that live in the home and with whom it has related through different initiatives since 2023.

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DCV Implements a Training and Development Platform

DCV Nasdaq

The platform is called Ubits, the online competencies
development platform with wide access to different
personal and professional training courses.


Depósito Central de Valores has recently launched Ubits with the strong commitment of constantly improving the quality the services offered. An innovative comprehensive training and development platform in which collaborators can access more than 10,000 contents related to soft skills, business, technology, and language.

"The implementation of Ubits is a great opportunity for the entire team. It is a strong and flexible digital tool that allows to design, implement, and measure our collaborators' learning experience and provides the opportunity to develop new skills and competencies. All of this in different study formats such as courses, speeches, podcasts, books, case studies, among others," said Víctor Cortéz, Head of Collaborators' Experience of the People and Culture Management of Depósito Central de Valores.

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The platform also offers a series of key functionalities for training development and follow-up. First, it facilitates the creation of strategies through plans that include online training diagnoses and competencies mapping. Second, it allows to execute these plans, providing a customized learning experience through Ubits Learn and Ubits LMS, making it possible to measure results and contributing to optimize participation through workshops and events.

This investment in talent development "is vital for the Company because it promotes our employees' personal and professional growth which, in turn, makes the entire organization stronger," says the Head of Collaborators' Experience.

The initiative promoted by the People and Culture Management reflects the strong commitment of the Company to the growth and excellency of its collaborators. Providing continuous access to learning and development resources promotes a proper environment for innovation and continuous improvement.



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DCV Attended the XXVI ACSDA General Meeting

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Rodrigo Roblero, General Manager of DCV, Javier Jara,
Legal and Corporate Affairs Manager, and
Eduardo Roa, Head of Strategic Projects and
Businesses attended the meeting.


As every year, the meeting gathers Securities Depositories and Clearing Houses of the Americas to analyze relevant issues for the industry. This year, the American Association of Central Securities Depositories (ACSDA) organized the topics around technology trends, cybersecurity, and digitization.

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“As infrastructure providers for the Chilean capital market, it is important to be part of these meetings which allow us to actively contribute to the development and innovation of the activities of securities depositories, share experiences, generate collaboration, and add value," said Javier Jara, Legal and Corporate Affairs Manager of DCV and member of the ACSDA Board.

The second day of the meeting addressed the topic of assets digitization and the role of securities depositories, where Javier Jara participated in one of the panels presenting the digital assets project being executed by Depósito Central de Valores "it is a challenge that without a doubt will be relevant for the industry and the market in general in the upcoming years," he added.

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This trend states the possibility of a significant change in the way in which Central Securities Depositories operate and provide services. In that respect, the panelists agreed on the fact that digitization may make processes more efficient, transparent and provide a better user experience.

During the same meeting, Eduardo Roa, Head of Strategic Projects and Businesses, talked about the business diversification opportunities for the central depositories industry in the region and in the world.

"The Fintech law will introduce new types of financial assets that will provide legal validity to representations of shares, bonds, mortgages, private contracts, and more. This will represent an important challenge that will open the doors to the creation of innovations in a wide variety of business models," said Roa.

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It must be noted that ACSDA is an organization comprised of Securities Depositories and Clearing Houses in the Americas whose purpose is to share information and experiences among its members, through mutual and close cooperation, and also promote best practices in services and the adjustment of the regulations in the securities markets.

Centro de Noticias

Depositors' Meeting Concludes with the Successful Completion of the Objectives Defined in the 2023 Activities Plan

DCV Nasdaq

The 29th meeting was held online through the Click&Vote,
remote voting solution for shareholders’ meetings developed by the Santiago Stock Exchange and DCV.


The 29th DCV Depositors' Meeting was held on March 15, The Surveillance Committee presented a detailed report on the 2023 operational period on that day.

Regarding the main tasks related to the entity's annual planning Hugo De La Carrera, President of the Supervisory Committee, highlighted the evaluation of DCV's internal control system whose objective is to verify and evaluate the different processes and support systems for the business, focusing on custody, compensation, settlement and transfer. PwC also confirms certificates and runs quarterly cash counts of valid instruments.

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33 subprocesses with higher criticality levels were selected in the internal control systems evaluation. Based on this, 177 controls were selected for testing from a total of 689 as well as 117 out of 692 IT environment and cybersecurity controls. It must be mentioned that, in conclusion, no considerable control deficiencies were observed, in terms of operational design and effectiveness that affect the logical security, operations and maintenance, and development (considering the DCVe project, the new DCV services platform developed with Nasdaq technology in this analysis.)

To fulfill the obligation of conducting quarterly cash counts as per law 18.876 and verifying the accuracy and matching of the depositors' accounts together with verifying and evaluating the certificates cash count safekept by DCV, PwC reviews a set of files extracted from the DCV systems to verify the accuracy of the information provided and runs a physical cash count process of the financial instruments kept in the vault.

In addition, the Chairman, on behalf of the members of the Committee, thanked DCV for the trust given during this year and for their support and professionalism in the tasks assigned, concluding that the objectives set in the 2023 activities plan were met successfully.

In addition, Rodrigo Roblero, General Manager of DCV, thanked our depositors for their trust over these years.

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2023 was the year in which the entire process of changing our platform was consolidated and I acknowledge in this effort the great work of the committee for letting us manage the risks that we have in our hands and provide a quality service that continues strengthening the company and that allows us to contribute efficiently to the capital market," he added.

Supervisory Committee Board 2024

In the meeting held through Click&Vote, the five members of the Committee for the 2023-2024 period were chosen:

  • Chairman: Hugo De La Carrera Prett
  • Vice-chair: Oscar Mehech Castellón
  • Secretary: Américo Becerra Morales
  • Member: Victoria Martínez Ocamica
  • Member: José Miguel Valdés Lira

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