DCV News

MIEF and ESE Start a Course for Finance Journalists

MIEF y ESE inician curso para periodistas en el mundo financiero


DCV is the founder of the Inclusion and Financial Education Committee (Mesa de Inclusión y Educación Financiera, MIEF), a group that gathers all the financial trade associations of the country.

June 17 was the start date of the seventh version of the course for financial journalists led by Centro de Estudios Financieros (CEF), ESE Business School, Universidad de Los Andes, to which the Inclusion and Financial Education Committee (MIEF) joined and where Depósito Central de Valores (DCV) is one of its 11 members.

This free initiative that will take place on Fridays until June 15 seeks to educate communicators in economics concepts and improve the quality of information on the financial system. Five sessions will be held to address economic and financial topics of high impact in our country, led by renowned speakers in the area.

In the first session, María Cecilia Cifuentes, Executive Director of CEF, talked about "The foundations of economic growth and the importance of the capital market in the well-being of people." The presentation, with the attendance of 65 journalists and communicators, was moderated by Pilar Concha, General Manager of the Chilean Association of Investment Funds (ACAFI), with the opening remarks of Juan Jaime Díaz, Chair of the National Press Association (ANP).

During her speech, María Cecilia Cifuentes talked about the four main factors in economic development, physical capital, human capital, technology, and institutionality. She highlighted the second one, saying that cognitive skills are not currently enough because social skills have become just as important. She also explained that this is of great importance since we are in the middle of the fourth industrial revolution that has a direct impact on skilled human capital.

 María Cecilia Cifuentes, directora ejecutiva del CEF

María Cecilia Cifuentes, Executive Director of CEF.

On Friday, June 24, the sessions continued with the presentation "Inflation and the UF: Impacts and Forecast," by Sebastián Claro, academician and researcher of the School of Business and Economics of Universidad de Los Andes and former advisor of the Central Bank. It was moderated by Juan Carlos Spence, General Manager of the Electronic Stock Exchange.


Sebastián Claro; académico e investigador de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad de los Andes y ex consejero del Banco Central.

Sebastián Claro, academician and researcher of the
School of Business and Economics of Universidad de Los Andes and
former advisor of the Central Bank.

The third session, "Sustainable Finance: Context, Initiatives, and Opportunities in the Industry at a Global Level," will be presented by Hugo Benedetti, Director of the Economics and Finance Department of ESE Business School, and will be moderated by Gloria Timmermann, Corporate Relations and Sustainability Manager of the Santiago Stock Exchange.

Hugo Benedetti, director del Área Económica y Finanzas del ESE Business School

Hugo Benedetti, Director of the Economics and
Finance Department of ESE Business School.

The fourth session, "Consolidating Information in the Financial Services Industry," will be led by Gonzalo Maturana, professor of Finance at Emory University, and will be moderated by Santiago Truffa, assistant professor of the Financial Department of ESE Business School.

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Gonzalo Maturana, professor of Finance at Emory University.

Finally, the fifth session, "Open Finance," will be presented by Ana María Montoya, Founder of Red ProCompetencia, and moderated by Matías Bernier, Studies Manager of the Banks and Financial Institutions Association (ABIF).

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Ana María Montoya,
Founder of Red ProCompetencia.

About MIEF

The Inclusion and Financial Education Committee is an entity comprised of the Association of AFPs, Association of Insurance Companies, Mutual Funds Association (AAFM), Chilean Association of Investment Funds Administrators, Santiago Stock Exchange, Electronic Stock Exchange, Cajas de Chile, Depósito Central de Valores (DCV), and Centro de Estudios Financieros (CEF), ESE Business School, Universidad de Los Andes..

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This is an instance of ongoing and joint collaboration in the financial industry whose aim is to coordinate the work and initiatives to improve financial education in our country.

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