Custody of Securities

The Securities Custody Service is aimed at facilitating securities transactions through Position Accounts, which correspond to an electronic recording system created by DCV according to the highest technological standards for the management of balances and movements of deposited securities. Position accounts may be Proprietary Securities Accounts, Third-Party Securities Accounts, or Expired Securities Accounts. The Securities Custody Service includes the custody itself, the transactions associated with securities held under custody, and the management of such securities.

The transactions available to participants through this service include: sales, free of payment transfers, net sales settlement and gross sales settlement, repurchases, advanced withdrawals, physical and dematerialized deposits, withdrawals, exchanges, and collections associated with securities rights.

Institutions utilizing the Securities Custody Services may offer services on to third parties through the opening of a third-party securities account.

This service is offered though contracts, in the format approved by the Chilean Superintendence of Securities and Insurance.

There is also a diverse range of automatic and on demand reports available for use by Depositors

These reports are sent to the Depositor’s electronic box, and are then available for display or download to the users own environment.

The reports available include the following:

  • Account Statements
  • Position Certificates
  • Maturity Forecasts
  • Charge and Payment Distribution

Proprietary Securities accounts are designed for deposit of securities owned by Depositor.


  • Securities are managed in fungible and non-fungible mode, depending upon on the instrument
  • Depositors may deposit and trade their own securities
  • Only non-expired securities positions may be credited
  • Securities position credits are only allowed under agreement with issuer or payer
  • The beneficiary of the securities rights is the Depositor
  • Transactions that may be completed with Proprietary Securities Accounts

Transactions available for participants in accordance with the contracted services are divided into three groups.

It allows the deposit of securities from a third party, identified through the registry of Principals provided by the DCV, who has conferred a custody mandate to the Depositor.

Through the client's site, the Depositor-Mandatory of an Individual client account, may provide his client with direct access to consult the balances and movements of the managed portfolio, thus providing confidence and transparency in his custody service.


  • They manage securities in fungible and non-fungible mode, depending on the instrument.
  • They allow the Mandatory Depositor to deposit and trade securities owned by only one third party identified through the registry of Principals provided by the DCV.
  • It only allows the crediting of positions of non-matured securities.
  • It only allows the crediting of positions of securities for which there are agreements with the issuer or the payer of them.
  • The beneficiary of the rights for the securities is determined by the Mandatory when opening an account, and may be:
  • The same as the Mandatory Depositor.
  • The principal linked to the account.

Only securities no longer in circulation may be deposited in these accounts, in case of normal expiration, prepayment, repurchase, etc.


  • Only securities in other than fungible form are managed.
  • Security position credits are only permitted when the account-associated Depositor is identified as the instrument payer.
  • Securities credited into these accounts must be expired.
  • Security position credits are only allowed under agreement with payer.
  • Deposited securities do not accrue any equity rights.

To contract this service

Other Available Services

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