DCV News


DCV is a worldwide reference in implementaciónde GRC solutions.

With the implementation of OpenPages GRC, an IBM solution, risk management became more efficient. Furthermore, with this new platform for measuring risk you can identify the problem to be solved within the company...

DCV and Euroclear Sign a Memorandum of Understanding

This agreement is the basis for further cooperation between the two entities and to provide greater ease of access to financial markets between Chile and Europe...

DCV y Omgeo work together to deliver more services to market

This project will enable local brokers, who currently receive instructions from foreign global brokers, to have the information on the trading day of “who” the end investor is and through “which local custodian bank” they will settle these transactions...

DCV Custodian of ETF It Now!

This instrument corresponds to the first ETF that replicates the IPSA Index of the Santiago Stock Exchange, which includes the 40 shares that have the largest presence in the local market. Furthermore DCV will be in charge of administering the registry of the contributors of this fund.

DCV certifies its Business Continuity Management System

To demonstrate to the interested parties that risk is controlled and that in case of unexpected events there is a recovery capacity (for instance, loss of energy, severe weather conditions, etc), these are part of the benefits that this certification brings about.

DCV released a new webpage, which is modern and is at the forefront in terms of technological development.

This new release includes an improvement in the web navigation, more security and better graphics. Furthermore, you can see this site from any mobile system, whether a smart phone or a tablet.