News Headline

head11 01 2018 avance de noticias circualr 700 svs ing

Dear Issuer:

In October 2011, the Securities and Insurance Superintendence (SVS) issued Circular Letter No. 700 instructing all audited entities to review and periodically report on compliance with Resolutions number 1988 and 1989 of the United Nations Security Council (UN).

In that regard, please note that DCV Registros provides a preventive control service, which based on the information of the Shareholders Registries and Contributors Registries, checks on a monthly basis if those shareholders and registered contributors are included in the lists maintained by the UN of persons and entities designated in the referred Resolutions.

 We are sure that we can help you to comply with this Circular Letter.

grf 11 01 2017 ing

For the markets that currently make up MILA, the volumes traded during November reached USD 16,105,249,990.

For more information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or the telephone 223 939 313

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