Services News

head nuevos clientes nov dic 2017 web ing

New Customers "Period november-december  2017"

Señor Participante

Depósito Central de Valores (DCV) welcomes 13 new customers have joined their services in the months of november december.

Our commitment is to deliver excellent services to fulfill our mission of "Being infrastructure provider, meeting the highest standards of security, availability, efficiency and quality."


lista nuevos clientes mes de noviembre diciembre 2017 ing

head nuevos clientes sept oct 2017 web ing
New Customers "Period september-october 2017"Dear ParticipantCentral Securities Depository (DCV) welcomes 24 new customers have joined their services in the months of september-october.Our commitment is to deliver excellent services to fulfill our mission of "Being infrastructure provider, meeting the highest standards of security, availability, efficiency and quality." lista nuevos clientes mes de septiembre octubre ing 2017For information on DCV services at our web site or contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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