
"Statement of Repayment and Interest for paying banks on the occasion of Capital Events" (INTE)

Dear Participants

Depósito Central de Valores (DCV) would like to remind the participants having Issuance Paying number under article No. 104 of the Income Tax Act (LIR) that as from February 1, 2017, DCV has made the INTE (statement of repayment and interest) available for you, which has been sent to the general mail box of each Payer.
Please bear in mind that this is information is additional to the one included in the payment file sent by DCV on the occasion of each capital event (Payment Distribution).
This statement is aimed at providing the payer of this issuances with information that could be required to make potential withholdings in the payment calculation, where appropriate.

url 022 01 For further information, please check the newspaper of January 24, 2017
descargarpdf02-1 Specifications and formats of the INTE file (Spanish only)
descargarpdf02-1 Check the detail of instruments under article No. 104 (Spanish only)

For futher information, please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at the phone number (+56) 223 939 001.

Saludamos atentamente.

Depósito Central de Valores; Depósito de Valores S.A.