
New feature for DCV’s web platform

Dear Depositors

In pursuit of constant improvement, in April, Depósito Central de Valores (DCV) will release a new feature for the Sade Web platform, and will modify other existing ones in order to adjust them to the client’s needs.

Modifications to the existing applications include:

1. Changes to the search results in the modules for Treasury and Custody Operations – aimed at reducing the number of steps when searching for or registering operations.

2. Including the code of the principal counterparty in the detail of the Custody Operations Module– consultation of Operations.

Additionally, a new feature will be included, allowing the large volume elimination of operations through the Custody Operations Module.

Further details and requirements to access the large volume elimination of operations will be informed in a future newsletter.

For questions and queries, please contact our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at the telephone number (+56) 223 939 001.


Depósito Central de Valores; Depósito de Valores S.A.