
head boletin 2017 10 26 prorroga araucana web ing

Dear Participants

Depósito Central de Valores (DCV) wishes to inform you that, at the Shareholders’ Meeting held on October 3rd, 2017, Caja de Compensación de Asignación Familiar La Araucana and its creditors agreed to extending the payment structure of Phase 1 of the Judicial Reorganization Agreement, Rol C-28472-2015. This Judicial Reorganization agreement approved by the 25th Civil Court of Santiago, was not challenged and has been declared final and enforceable by resolution dated October 23rd, 2017, and submitted to the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance (SVS), which resolution shall be timely informed.

The aforementioned agreement implies that the coupon payment scheduled for Friday, October 27th, 2017, of the BCCAR-A, BCCAR-B, BCCA-C0912, BCCA-D1113 and BCCA-E0115 Bonds, is extended to December 27th, 2017. Additionally, a new coupon dated January 27th, 2018 is included –among other changes-, amending the relevant amortization schedules in this regard. The resolution of the SVS evidencing that the requested amendments were registered in the audit agency will also be communicated in this manner.

For further questions, please contact the Customer Service Desk, MAC, at the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or at the phone number (+56) 223 939 001.


DCV Registros S.A.