Changes and benefits

DCVe reminder No. 7 Activate all profiles required by their work team Roles depending on the services that you use

kbcra dcve recuerda 2


Security Administrators Must Activate all
Profiles Required by their Work Team to
Operate Correctly in DCVe
(not only the minimum suggested by DCV).

Please keep the following roles into consideration
depending on the services that you use:


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Each depositor must have at least 2 different
users with 002 Security Administrator roles
(due to the 4/6 eyes verification):

At DCV, we recommend having at least a third user
with a security administrator profile to take
over this role if needed (unlocking and changing
administrator passwords).

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Each depositor must have at least 2 users with the
following profiles (due to the 4/6 eyes verification):

  • 030 Transactions Registration Operator.
  • 031 Transactions Registration Supervisor (valid
  • only for the 4/6 eyes supervision).
  • 060 E – Instructions Registration via file and
  • ISO to import transaction files.
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Each depositor must have at least 1 user with the
following profile:

  • 018 Corporate Actions Supervisor.
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Each depositor must have at least 2 users with
the following profiles (due to the 4/6 eyes verification):

  • 022 Custody orders operator to register custody
    orders through a graphic interface.
  • 023 Custody Orders Supervisor to import files:
    early redemptions and non-physical deposits.
  • 018 Corporate Actions Supervisor to import the
    electronic lottery detail file.
  • 048 FI and MMI (issuer-payer) to access reports
    in the file transfer folder.
  • 050 RV Events Reports (issuer) to access RV
    reports in the file transfer folder.
  • 062 E – Dematerialized issuance registration via
    file to import dematerialized issuance files.
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Each depositor must have at least 2 users with the
following profiles (due to the 4/6 eyes verification:

  • 024 Pledge Operator.
  • 025 Pledge Supervisor.
  • 061 E – Pledges Registration via file and ISO to import
    pledge files.


Change is the only constant,
DCV Evolution is a reality.

Should you have any questions, please contact your DCVe executive or send us an email to:

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