DCV News

DCV closes 2018 with 128 new clients

DCV closes 2018 with 128 new clients
Juan Carlos Melys Subgerente comercial

128 new clients joined the Depósito Central de Valores in its different lines of business during 2018, a year that was marked by relevant figures in terms of the deposited portfolio’s total balance, which reached 9,120.6 million UF and more than 4,000 pledge registries that were recorded into the guarantees service. For its part, DCV Registros, an affiliate of DCV that has managed registries of shareholders and contributors for 19 years, continued to grow and today its clients represent more than 580 shareholders and fund contributors registries. Overall, DCV ends the year with a growth close to 5% of the previous year’s total revenues.

“2018 was a good year for DCV in general, so we are satisfied, and we feel challenged for 2019. I want to highlight the guarantees’ growth, where the special pledge service, which recently launched its second stage, is modernizing the way to guarantee multiple businesses in the financial industry”, explained Juan Carlos Melys, Deputy Business Manager.

The increase in international custody was very significant during 2018. At this point, Melys highlighted that “we have grown more than twice as much regarding foreign security custody, which has strongly impacted this line of business”. In this way, international custody reached US $4,405 million, that is, an increase of 162.5% compared to December of 2017.

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This good performance had a key element, DCV put significant effort into communication, focusing on directly reaching each services’ clients. “The way in which DCV communicates was redefined, this not only implies making more communication, but also correctly choosing the channels and the people to whom communicate: segmentation and content were key elements in 2018,” explained Melys. Thus, 2018 communication grew 209% regarding service campaigns, and 152% in terms of LinkedIn content, where the company has a growing following group.

In the field of communications, we highlight the more than 600 people who participated in the 37 face-to-face and remote training sessions, which supported the 6 business lines.

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Los nuevos proyectos de negocios también marcaron la pauta de lo que fue 2018, dentro de los cuales es importante resaltar el relanzamiento del servicio de depósito y retiro automático de opciones de suscripción de acciones/cuotas de fondos de inversión asociadas a un evento de suscripción (evento OSA). Exitoso fue también el lanzamiento de nuevos informes estadísticos y la puesta en marcha del innovador servicio de prenda especial, que permite constituir prendas sobre cualquier valor depositado en el DCV, para garantizar cualquier tipo de obligación, y cuya creación fue factible gracias a las modificaciones incorporadas en la denominada Ley de Productividad. Aquí, el DCV ya se encuentra trabajando con 27 entidades y donde cada vez se suman nuevos depositantes modernizando así su proceso de garantías.

Looking ahead to 2019, the future looks challenging.

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