DCV News

Training our employees

headweb capacitaciones julio 2018

In order to provide its clients with the best service quality, Depósito Central de Valores (DCV) is constantly training its employees in the latest financial and technological trends, or those related to the Company’s business.

“This is why, several years ago, we created the DCV Training Program, aimed at boosting growth of DCV’s professionals, providing them with opportunities to acquire knowledge and tools to improve their performance, thus contributing to the results of our organization”, explains Sandra Valenzuela, Human Resources Manager.Este año, el Programa de Formación incluyó cinco tipos de beneficios, abordando temas que van desde la adquisición de conocimientos técnicos hasta el desarrollo de habilidades.

This year, the Training Program included 5 types of benefits, covering topics that involve the acquisition of technical knowledge and the development of skills.

gc01sandra s TUDENT GRANTS:
  This year, 10 employees benefited from financing of undergraduate and postgraduate studies, masters and retraining courses.


  Aimed at providing knowledge to leverage the new technological projects and requirements. Some of them are: Oracle, JBoss, ITIL, IT Security, Office, policy courses, among others.


gc01sandra c ORPORATE ENGLISH:
  Aimed at supporting DCV’s new challenges. 45 employees from several areas of the company are currently participating.


gc01sandra s KILLS WORKSHOPS:
  Those employees that voluntarily enroll themselves may strengthen and develop personal and professional competencies and skills through the experience.


gc01sandra i NTERNAL TRAINING:
  Esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo establecer un espacio educativo-colaborativo en torno al mercado de valores, normativas y servicios del DCV, a través de cursos impartidos por relatores internos y que permiten la actualización del conocimiento del negocio.

gc01sandra beneficios

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DCV News