DCV News

DCV and the use of advanced electronic signature

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In an increasingly digitalized economy, one of the companies’ biggest challenges is reducing the use of paper, which not only entails cost benefits, but it also helps the environment. Today, offices throughout the world use about 155 billion sheets of paper per year, equivalent to 48 kilos per person.

The application of new technologies is the most effective way to achieve “paperless” or the elimination of paper by implementing electronic documents. For this, Chilean Law No. 19,799 of 2002 promoted, among other changes, the use of advanced electronic signature by companies and individuals, which was complemented in 2006 with an auto acordado of the Supreme Court that instructed the implementation of this new technology by notaries, registrars and archiveros judiciales.

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“There is still little information on this tool”, admits Fanny Tagle, Chief Counsel of Depósito Central de Valores. Hence, she says, DCV implemented advanced electronic signature, and in 2017, it carried out several training sessions for its employees, focused on lawyers and the affiliate DCV Registros. This led to faster response time and lower costs.

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“We are an infrastructure company that always uses new technologies, and as lawyers, we must be on the same page, breaking old paradigms of our profession. This is why we implemented advanced electronic signature internally, because we realized that our clients did not use it on a large scale”, states Tagle.

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In light of this, different financial institutions are carrying out several training sessions this year, especially in legal areas, for them to learn to use this tool. “We have already carried out several training sessions, and both participants and other clients that have heard of this matter are showing interest”, states the Chief Counsel of DCV, who says that advanced electronic signature renders the online validation of electronic documents safer, it helps to save physical space and time, since searching for electronicly documents filed is easier, and the transfer of knowledge to other generations within companies is faster.

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If you are interested in these training sessions for the use of advanced electronic signature, please contact Fanny Tagle at the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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