DCV News

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Since its was created, DCV has been strongly committed to our society’s human and social development, through several initiatives helping the most vulnerable sectors, for which it has the essential support of its collaborators, who have made significant contributions through their volunteer work, along with the company’s support.

DCV has declared its intention to contribute to the sustainable development of the community and of society in general, by means of its Donation Policy, through which it undertakes to support projects that contribute to these objectives in the long term, focusing on educational, social and cultural proposals, for which its Board of Directors reviewed and approved an annual budget for this purpose.

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Fernando Yáñez, General Manager, sees corporate volunteering as “a window to open a meeting point, a space for reciprocity, awareness and communication, so necessary to empathize with one another, eliminating stereotypes and connecting people from very different contexts and realities, who otherwise would probably not meet”.

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Sandra Valenzuela, Human Resources  Manager, sees corporate volunteering as “a practice of added value for the company and its employees, who are increasingly committed to the idea of turning DCV into great company, with a major objective”.



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DCV believes education is the basis of any developed society, for its great transforming power, which allows transmission of knowledge, but also values, social rules, behaviors and foresight.  This is why it became the focal point in the development of its 2017 Donations Program.

Thus, the principal proposals developed this year concerned projects aiding Fundación Betania Acoge, Colegio San Luis Beltrán and Jardín Infantil Parinacota, of Quilicura.


The first of these initiatives consisted of donating training surpluses to “Fundación Betania Acoge”, to finance Work Scholarships for women between 18 and 35 years of age, from the Fifth Region, in extreme social vulnerability, who will be able to study careers and trades, such as Hairdressing and Aesthetics, Nurse Technician, Risk Prevention, Hospitality and Services, Hygiene and Food Handling, Baking, Administrative Assistant, among others.

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DCV also granted “work scholarships” to Colegio San Luis Beltrán, a multi-purpose and particular mixed subsidy institution belonging to Fundación Educacional Pudahuel, with a 75% vulnerability index.


voluntariado gc05 web Additionally, the corporate volunteering allowed sponsoring Jardín Infantil Parinacota, in the district of Quilicura, for highly vulnerable children, 90% of which are children of Haitian immigrants.


During the activities carried out in this institution, corporate volunteers got acquainted with the “Parque de los Sueños” Project, created by the Captain of Carabineros, Carlos Villarroel, aimed at providing a safe meeting place to the children and families of the community, one of the most vulnerable sectors, with high crime rates, concentrating 6,000 Haitian immigrants, most of them living in overcrowded spaces.


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Hence, this project was built in a 10,000 m2 vacant lot, with donations from the private sector and non-profit foundations.  On Saturday, October 7th, with 39 DCV volunteers, who gave their time and work for a higher cause, the Plaza para Preescolares was built in the “Parque de los Sueños”, transforming a rocky, weedy space of land into a fertile place for games and laughter of children from the sector, green areas, sand pits for younger children, all with roads and native shrubs, which complete this important work.

Evidence shows that social and environmental aspects are currently the most critical factors for the future viability of organizations.  The new generations expect and demand much more from the companies, and DCV will be present.


DCV News