
Start of Exchange Offer Period Bonds La Polar series H

Dear Participant

Depósito Central de Valores (DCV) informs its participants that Inversiones Maipo S.A. Asset Management on behalf of Maipo Investment Fund, dated January 24, 2017 will start the period of exchange of the H series bonds issued by La Polar S.A. Of the Maipo fund. This will be extended until February 22 at 3:00 p.m., in which period the Depositors wishing to participate must inform the Fund by means of a duly signed registration letter, authorizing the DCV in turn to deliver the H bonds according to Pro rata to be defined at the end of the period, as well as eventual remnants.

descargarpdf02-1 Download exchange notice (Spanish Only)

To confirm authorized attorneys, registration of signatures and consultations related to the process and / or details of the procedure, please contact the MAC Customer Service Desk at (+56) 223 939 001.

Sincerely yours

Depósito Central de Valores; Depósito de Valores S.A.