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DCV achieves the recertification of the Crime Prevention Model

DCV achieves the recertification of the Crime Prevention Model

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The implementation of the Crime Prevention model at DCV and DCV Registros seeks to comply with law 20,393, which establishes the criminal liability of legal entities in certain crimes.

The Depósito Central de Valores (DCV), within its continuous improvement efforts in developing its securities market activities achieved the recertification of the Crime Prevention Model. The preceding, as a result of a continuous monitoring process and successful tests on its operation and effectiveness. This recertification is the result of the ongoing work of the entire company to comply with the legal system and internal regulations.

This model has been designed based on elements such as codes of conduct, control activities and the definition of roles and responsibilities, whose purpose is to have a system designed to manage and monitor risks that may arise in company processes and activities (which present some degree of exposure to the commission of the illegal acts described in Law 20,393). Thus, preventing the organization from being exposed to possible sanctions, financial losses due to fines or reputational damage. 

BH Compliance, is the external entity in charge of recertifying that the adopted and implemented model complies with all the requirements established in current regulations.

"Achieving this recertification makes us all proud, since it means a recognition of the commitment to the crime prevention procedures and models that the Company has established", @Cristian Peña, Head of Compliance at DCV.

The first time we voluntarily certified this standard was in 2014 and, since then, we have committed efforts in maintaining it. The recertification lasts for 2 years; it demonstrates DCV's ongoing commitment in complying with regulatory obligations in general and allows showing the regulatory agencies and the market that the Company's criminal risks are properly identified and managed.

Congratulations to the compliance area and to all DCV.

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