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DCV leaves a footprint

DCV leaves a footprint
head noticia huellaverde ing 

Two years ago, Depósito Central de Valores (DCV) engaged in the environmental responsibility challenge, with the Huella Verde program for the promotion of environmentally responsible actions.

The launching of the “Yo elijo vivir saludable” life quality program, aimed at contributing to the general welfare of our employees, through the promotion of good practices and healthy lifestyles, was a great opportunity for us to engage in new social and environmentally responsible activities.

This is why Huella Verde, an internal awareness program with activities and initiatives aimed at caring for both our own life and that of our environment and planet was born.

Activities that leave a footprint

Huella Verde is aimed at promoting awareness on responsible consumption of paper, glass and electricity, through signaling and environment setting of the facilities of DCV and DCV Registros, internal communication campaigns and provision of recycling points.

Recycling points

Reception centers for the recycling of solid waste such as paper, cardboard, glass, plastic containers, computer supplies, ordinary batteries and fluorescent tubes, were implemented in 2017. At the beginning of last year, the health entity authorized the administration of DCV’s building to begin operating these points to recover waste and send it to specialized recycling companies certified by the responsible heath agencies.

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Transforming lives

DCV Registros joined the paper recycling campaign of the Huella Verde program, through Fundación San José. Thus, our company and its employees were not only able to contribute to the environment, but also to contribute to the transformation of lives of children at risk. For each box we recycle, we are contributing to the purchase of diapers, bottles and resources for children under adoption.

t is easy to understand our company’s motivation in implementing the Huella Verde program for the promotion of socially and environmentally responsible actions. For more information on this and other initiatives, please visit, or our LinkedIn pages.