News Headline

head dcveduca umayor sep 2017 esp copia

An extensive lecture on the role of Depósito Central de Valores (DCV) was given to the students of Business Administration of Universidad Mayor.

Juan Carlos Melys, deputy business manager, caught the attention of the participants, providing information on this complex business in simple words.


It is probably the first time that most –if not all- of them attended a lecture given by DCV. This is hardly surprising, and it is in fact the main goal of the program DCV Educa: bringing DCV’s work closer to the financial market community.

juan melys 2

There are many new concepts, such as securities custody, settlement, dematerialization, etc. We are certain that the participants currently have more information to understand the Chilean stock market, companies that make part of it and their functions, as well as DCV’s key role.

Images from the lecture

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DCV Noticias