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2016 Economic and Financial Journalism Award
2016 Economic and Financial Journalism Award

This past May 5, 2016, Depósito Central de Valores (DCV) participated in the awards ceremony for the Economic and Financial Journalism Award in Chile, a ceremony which has been organized by the Mutual Funds Administration Association for the third time, sponsored by Depósito Central de Valores and Zeta Comunicaciones and the Inter-American Association of Economic and Financial Journalism (Aipef Chile) in order to promote financial education through the media.

The ceremony was attended by authorities, journalists, editors from various media, representatives of institutions connected to the national economic, financial, academic area and domestic affairs.

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This year, the jury comprised of seven distinguished personalities from the economic and financial sphere, reviewed the articles of nine journalists who applied – delivering altogether 25 high-quality works published in 2015.

The following professionals received an award:

1st place: Fernando Vega López, journalist for La Tercera, for his documentary “Investments in UF consolidate as a shelter before recovery”.

Honorable Mention - “Best Pen”: María de los Ángeles Viguera, journalist for El Mercurio Economy and Business section, for her article “Experts provide their recommendations to invest in the fourth quarter 2015” and Mauricio Ruiz Morales, journalist for Las Últimas Noticias Economy section, for his article “This is the money market, the most used mutual funds in Chile”.

Mónica Cavallini, AAFM General Manager, said that seeing the current context, the need to “empower people with more and better information and education on these matters” arises more strongly inviting journalists of the sector to continue educating with excellence and rigor on matters that are often not simple to people. “Although the media may consider their work is limited only to informing, I think education is part of their job and responsibility. The media and specialized journalism must seek and deliver the news, but at the same time make a contribution with it, contribute so that matters that are generally complex, are delivered in a manner that is simple, accurate, errorless, and leaving no room for misinterpretations”.

You may find further information on the award in the following link:

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