News Headline

Certificate of Adoption and Implementation of the Crime Prevention Model

On February26, 2014, BH Compliance Limitada, certified that Depósito Central de Valores and DCV Registros have an implemented crime prevention model which in all its significant aspects meets the requirements established in sections 1, 2 and 3 of Article N°4 of Law 20.393, in relation to its situation, size, activity, level of income and complexity.


The certification sets forth that the crime prevention model adopted and implemented by the company has, in all its significant aspects, the elements provided in the law, according to the specific needs of such company and that this is known by all the organization.


The Certification performed by BH Compliance provides directors with compliance information regarding their supervisory duty before the SVS, shareholders and the Public Ministry, reducing the risks of penalties and public exposure.



Click HERE to see DCV certificate



Click HERE to see DCV Registros certificate

DCV Noticias