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Omgeo and DCV meet with clients

Omgeo visited the country for a working day with clients and training for DCV....

Omgeo and DCV meet with clients


Dear Participant


Santiago, Thuestday november, 17 2011

Omgeo is a company which is owned by the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) and Thomson Reuters, and has as its purpose the provision of security mechanisms for financial transactions following “negotiation” in order to automate the confirmation of these transactions between the parties.

Since this past June, DCV and Omgeo, have been working together in order to offer DCV´s clients the Omgeo platforms; Central Trade Manager (CTM) and Alert. Initially, the services will be focused on local stockbrokers that have foreign clients who invest in Chile.

CTM is a platform that is principally used to make the “matching post-trade – pre-settlement” task easier for the parties in relation to the transactions performed between them. Users will benefit from an increase of the operating efficiency, cost reductions, automation of the transactions in all markets, and acceleration of the operating processes, among others. 




Álvaro Mujica, Larraín Vial Corredores de Bolsa-Javier Jara, DCV-Peter Van Den Noort, Omgeo-Ana Lotharius, Omgeo-Claudio Calderon, DCV-Thomas Trepanier, Omgeo-Marcelo Saavedra, BCI Corredores de Bolsa-Hardy Balboa, Deutsche Bank Corredores de Bolsa-Jorge Pacheco D., Deutsche Bank Corredores de Bolsa-Juan Carlos Melys, DCV

During the visit, Omgeo held meetings with prospective clients, to explain the service, receive feedback and share the next steps in initiating the service.

It also meant for DCV a hard day of work and training for the people who will provide the service and support to the clients in the local market.   

We invite you to learn more and get information regarding the features and benefits of the service by contacting Juan Carlos Melys, Head of Sales, at email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone 393 9057.



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