DCV News

November Fest was the theme  of the DCV event for its clients
head web oct evento ing

Jardín Mallinkrodt, Bellavista's new patio bar, was the place chosen this year to share the traditional celebration night that Depósito Central de Valores (DCV) offers its clients. The expectations of the participants to this event have risen over the years, in a celebration that the company decided to create in gratitude to those who annually participate in evaluating the quality of the services provided.

head web oct evento esp

Surprising them yet another time was not easy, but its organizers believe the goal for 2017 was achieved. November Fest was the chosen theme, and the bar was provided with nine varieties of craft beers and, of course, since not everyone is a beer lover, they also included other excellent drink alternatives for the guests.

evento gc02 web The guests were welcomed with a fine cocktail, in a quiet place, surrounded by trees and in a pleasant evening outdoors; an unimaginable place in Santiago. At the reception, each of them received a beer glass as a gift –refillable whenever they felt like it- and a bracelet that allowed them to choose three alternatives from 5 food trucks that were situated in the garden, in a successful dynamic: hotdogs, Peruvian food, hamburgers, sandwiches and desserts, among others, were part of the available choices.


evento gc03 web Carolina Mestrovic was responsible for the initial greeting and hosted the entire event, full of awards and surprises for the guests as usual. Bose speakers, Ipad and 2 tickets to the Lollapalooza festival, were among the main gifts.


evento gc04 web On behalf of DCV, the Services Management Office made a special recognition to the group of operators that supported different tests and improvements to the services during this year, a distinction that is a special way of thanking for the impartial collaboration, solely based on the good will and commitment of those collaborators. Working hand in hand with clients allows the Company to get acquainted with their needs, understanding them and being able improve the services and operation.

Over 130 guests enjoyed a pleasant night, where many of them were surprised to receive a gift, and all of them expressed their desire to be invited again each year, since it is a unique opportunity to share with colleagues who you hear at the other end of the line during the year, but rarely see in person.


evento gc05 web Our challenge is to surprise them once again but, especially, to continue focusing on security, availability, efficiency and excellence in the quality of services, because that is what ultimately makes us into the company that are we.



Images of the event

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