DCV News


Depósito Central de Valores (DCV) following its strategy of providing a service infrastructure with the best quality and security levels launched its new web page which corresponds to the communications site. According to DCV Business and Legal Affairs Manager, Javier Jara, “this is a modern web page, which leads to easier navigation with the latest development at a technological level”.


This new web page has transformed into a useful tool for those who navigate using it. “The main idea was to create a site that will facilitate search of information and the user experience. We also seek to provide a new vision and image to the site in general terms, not just a visual one, but also an architectural one”, added Jara.


Regarding security set up in the site, the Business Manager stated, “we have focused on security measures of this new web page. Furthermore, there was a study carried out in relation to regulation W3C, which consists of standards related to the web, which are used in order to create an accessible, interoperable and efficient site, where even stronger applications can be developed”.



A key element in order to achieve this improvement in all matters of this site was the user’s experience. In this respect Javier Jara disclosed some of the mechanisms used and the areas that were emphasized, “Groups of users were surveyed, both internal and external groups, in order to determine which was their information of interest and the way in which this could be presented in a satisfactory way”, indicated the executive.


In relation to the process that made DCV renew its web site, Javier Jara recalls that they knew that both the navigation and the format of the old web page no longer complied with the standards that are currently required in terms of navigation and format workability: “we realized that on the previous web page everything was split up and it was difficult to handle and web navigation was frequently un-friendly. This is the reason why we created a faster query tool in order to clear up the site’s frequently asked questions”.


The new version of the DCV web site is definitely more clear, crisp and organized. According to Javier Jara “we sought for a much cleaner image, dark colours were left aside and we tried to put everything into a more clear and transparent image, where space enables a better reading and therefore we built a more attractive and lighter site for the user”.


Your are invited to know our new website


DCV Noticias