
Remote participation in DCV’s assembly of depositors and certification of powers of attorney

Dear Depositors,
The Ordinary Assembly of Depositors is summoned for being held remotely, i.e., on March 12th, 2021 at 9:00 hours in DCV’s boardroom, located at Avenida Apoquindo 4.001, 12th floor, District of Las Condes, Santiago.

The matters to be dealt with in this ordinary Assembly of Depositors are the following:

  1. Receive the management report of the Vigilance Committee.
  2. Approve the budget of the Vigilance Committee.
  3. Approve the fees that depositors must pay for the operation of the Vigilance Committee and how to determine them.
  4. Election of the secretary of the assembly.
  5. Determination of the amount of guarantees and insurance.
  6. Election of the members (5) of the Vigilance Committee.
  7. Others matters of common interest.

Due to the sanitary regulations issued by the authority, and in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation, No. 435, and Circular Letter 1,141, both issued by the Commission for the Financial Market, Depositors may participate and vote remotely through the technological means detailed in the registration and voting instructions.

The registration process will be available from February 25th, 2021 starting at 9:00 hours and will extend to 14:00 hours of March 11th, 2021 and the powers of attorney must be attached.

The process of certifying the powers of attorney will take place until 8:30 hours of the day of the assembly.

The documents necessary for remote attendance at the assembly are available in this bulletin.


Procedure for remote participation through
electronic means and voting system

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Quick guide for the Assembly of Depositors

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* Registration form

* Word form, to open from Google use the right button

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