DCV Evolution-Release

Register in the "DCVe Platform Moving into Production Rehearsal"

Dear Depositors,

We would like to reiterate the invitation to all depositor companies to participate in the DCVe Platform Moving into Production Rehearsal scheduled on Saturday, May 14, and Tuesday, May 17. 


  • We would like to request all depositors to be part of this rehearsal in the DCVe production environment on Monday, May 16, and Tuesday, May 17.


  • General: Connectivity check, new digital customer service channels.
  • Depositor role: Holdings reconciliation, investors information, transactions file uploading, on-the-fly transactions review, PoA registration query, specific reports.
  • Issuer role: Dematerialized issuance file upload.
  • Pledges role: Review of the existence of migrated pledges.


  1. Confirm your participation directly with your DCVe executive.
  2. Have the DCVe environment, your security administrators, and operators properly enabled.
  3. Be available to run tests and send their evidence on Monday, May 16, and Tuesday, May 17.

The DCVe executives will provide the details of the activities to be conducted by the depositors that are part of the rehearsal.

DCV considers your attendance and participation in the activities before the start-up of the platform of the utmost importance. Today, more than ever, your participation and engagement are vital for the project's success.

Confirm your participation with your DCVe executive!

Should you have any questions, please contact your executive or send us an email to:

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