Services News

The Digital Change in Now Modernize and Save Costs
head repmodrnizate 30 10 2017 2017 ing


REP has proven to be a true contribution to the modernization of the securities market. Don’t stay out of this new way to operate! Become a part of the cycle of meetings/training with our experts about legal, operational and business aspects, on the new way to create guarantees in a faster and lower cost way.

graf rep 01 web ing 30 10 2017

The last 12 months have evidenced the new trend in the creation of Guarantees in securities, tripling the number of registrations.

graf rep 02 web ing 30 10 2017

We invite you to become part of this service, which more than 50 Depositors have joined. Schedule a meeting with our experts.

For further information, please contact the phone number +56 223 939 354 or the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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