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4th Award to Economic and Financial Journalist - 2016

4th Award to Economic and Financial Journalist - 2016


The Chilean Association of Mutual Fund Administrators (AAFM) deemed recognizing the excellence and quality journalism in the financial sector -regarding savings, investment and, specifically, mutual funds- to be fundamental. Hence, it created an instance where a qualified jury of 7 members belonging or relating to the financial, academic and national life fields, could vote to award the leading journalist in this field. 

For the fourth consecutive year, we award the “AAFM Award – To Economic and Financial Journalism in Chile”, which has once again received the support of important figures that are members of the jury, of Depósito Central de Valores (DCV), of the Inter-American Association of Economic and Financial Journalism (Aipef Chile) and of Zeta Comunicaciones, all of them key in this important initiative.

We invite the field’s journalists to participate in this instance and look forward to promote excellence in economic and financial journalism, within an area that is not always easy for people.

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Depósito Central de Valores; Depósito de Valores S.A.