Circular Letter

Circular Letter No. 304
Circular Annex Date Reference Status Download
304 YES 04.20.2016 DCV Authorized Signature In force YES


Dear Participants

Pursuant to the provisions of Title 5 of the Internal Regulation in force, Depósito Central de Valores S.A. (DCV) wishes to remind Participants of the new measures to access and use its computing system, and the improvements to the electronic signature system used as of this date for the various applications and functionalities requiring it.

DCV and its Participants currently use the CAPICOM tool, specifically to use electronic certificates in digital signature of operations (some DCV applications require a digital signature for critical operations and queries and printouts containing confidential information).

The CAPICOM solution currently lacks manufacturer support. Hence, and to meet the security requirements relating to digital/electronic signature (regulated in Law No. 19,799), DCV developed a client signature application named “DCV AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE”, which shall be installed on each machine of those operators required to sign operations in DCV.

The aforementioned solution will replace the current CAPICOM client signature, providing the same characteristics –authentication, non-rejection and transaction enabling-, using digital certificates when processing operations. Please bear in mind that the certificate allowing for the aforementioned characteristics to be met must be an advanced electronic signature certificate, issued by one of the certifying entities authorized by the Ministry of Economy, and available at the following link:


Automatic Updates: monitoring system that will indicate to the user when it needs to be updated.
Reduction of incidents relating to browser compatibility: it will provide more compatibility with the new Windows operating systems.
Monitors the application configuration status.


Permission from the Administrator for the equipment where the installation is to be made
1 GB RAM minimum RAM Memory
200 MB Storage
Browsers, Internet Explorer 7 & 8
“Java Runtime Environment JRE 1.8.0_112” must not be installed. This version comes with the installer of DCV AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE

Each operator of the Depositor will be required to accept the “terms and conditions” in order to download and use it (during the installation of the application).

Depositors can install the “DCV AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE” application as from today, April 20th, 2017, and the final deadline to install it shall be November 2017, the date when CAPICOM may no longer be used to operate with DCV applications. We remind you that DCV will define an exact migration date for each Depositor, which shall be informed on a timely basis.

A formal letter will be sent to each of the companies, indicating the migration requirements and manner in which this new application will be implemented. For further information on the installation of this new application, please check the documents attached hereto for download; “External User Manual” and “Terms and Conditions”.

descargarword01 1111 To Download External User Manual (Spanish Only)
descargarword01 1111 Terms and conditions to download and use the application DCV Authorized Signature 11.4.2016 (Spanish Only)

For further information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at the telephone number (+56) 223 939 001.

Yours Sincerely,