
CMF Sets a New Deadline to Sign Contracts with DCV Asesorías y Servicios S.A.

Dear Depositors,

Depósito Central de Valores informs you that the DCV services migration to the DCV Asesorías y Servicios S.A. Subsidiary has continued, as informed in the newsletter of March 6, 2023, and in the reminder provided in the newsletter of August 3, 2023; however, there are still companies that have not completed the process.

Since the deadline of August 31, 2023, has been reached, the CMF - Comisión para el Mercado Financiero (Financial Market Commission) has extended the deadline for the companies to sign the new contracts for subsidiary DCV Asesorías y Servicios S.A. to October 20, 2023, without the possibility for further extension.

We remind you that the services being migrated are:

  • Statistics Reports.
  • DTCC transactions comparisons (formerly OMGEO). 

For the above, the Security Administrator of your organization must assign the role "008-E-Facturación" ("008-E-Invoicing") to every user that needs to access the file in the DCVe Platform.

The transfer of services to the subsidiary will continue under the current conditions, obligations, and terms.

We insist to the depositors who have not signed the contract that the process can be completed in an expedite manner.



May you have any questions, please contact the DCV Commercial Department at
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Kind regards,