
2022 DCV Depositors’ Meeting

Remote participation and verification of proxies


Dear Depositors,

The Annual Depositors’ General Meeting will take place on March 10, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. in the offices of DCV, located in Torre Nueva Santa María, Los Conquistadores 1730, floor 23, Providencia, Santiago, and through a videoconference system for those Depositors that wish to attend remotely.

The topics to be discussed in this Depositors’ General Meeting are the following:

  1. Introduction to the Surveillance Committee Management Report.
  2. Election of the five members of the Surveillance Committee.
  3. Approval of the Surveillance Committee’s budget.
  4. Approval of the fees to be paid by depositors for the operation of the Surveillance Committee and the way to set them.
  5. Election of the Assembly’s Secretary.
  6. Determination of warranties and insurance.
  7. Other topics.

Due to the health regulations established by the authorities and according to the Regulation of General Nature No. 435 and Circular 1141, both issued by the Financial Market Commission, Depositors may participate and vote remotely via the electronic means described in the enrollment and voting instructions.

We wish to remind you that granting powers are ruled by articles 110 and the following in the Regulation on Corporations to represent your institutions.

The enrollment process will be available from February 28, 2022, at 9:00 a.m until March 9, 2022, at 2:00 p.m., attaching the corresponding powers of attorney. The verification of proxies will take place until 8:30 a.m. on the date the meeting takes place.

The documents needed to attend the meeting remotely are available in this newsletter.

Finally, we wish to inform you that this newsletter does not replace the summons that DCV made according to article 41 of the Regulation on Securities Depositories (SD 734 Department of Treasury, 1991) and number 3.4.1 of its internal regulation.


Process to participate remotely through
electronic means and voting system

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Depositors’ Meeting Quick Guide

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Enrollment sheet

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Voting powers

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For more information, please get in touch with
the DCVR Help Desk at:

+56 223 939 003

or at:

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