DCV Evolution-Release

REHEARSAL AND TESTS FOR MOVING INTO PRODUCTION in the DCVe Platform: Monday, May 16, and Tuesday, May 17. New Scenario

Dear Depositors,

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the importance of participating in the current rehearsal for moving into production in the DCVe Platform and also inform you about a new scenario:

Name: Clearing house transactions registered in CCLV, CONTRAPARTE CENTRAL S.A.,

Details: Its purpose is to confirm what was done in previous tests. In this case, the CCLV will register the transactions of the different clearing houses to be searched by the depositors participating in the CCLV.

Activities to be conducted by Stock Exchange depositors: log in and review this information as part of the rehearsal process that is currently in place.

Should you have any questions, please contact your executive or send us an email to:

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Kind regards,