DCV Evolution-Release

News N° 25 “Support Workshop for Security Administrators - Enabling the Production Environment”

Dear Depositors,

To continue with the activities scheduled before the start-up of the DCVe services, DCV requests Security Administrators or those assigned to that role to join a hands-on workshop where the following activities will take place:

  1. Preparing the production environment for the services’ start-up from Day Zero (go-live).
  2. Assigning roles to the work teams (profiles).
  3. 2, 4, and 6-eyes configuration (optional).

Considering the importance of the activities that will take place in this workshop, the attendance of at least one Security Administrator per company, that up to date has not completed the tasks described in the previous three items (even though a second administrator must oversee the scheduled activities) is mandatory to any of the following sessions:

  • Wednesday, March 30, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. (*).
  • Tuesday, April 5, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m (*).
  • Thursday, April 7, 9 a.m. - 11 a.m (*).
    (*) Each session will address the same content.

The workshop log-in links will be posted on DCV’s website before the scheduled dates.


  • Before joining any of the sessions for the hands-on workshop and for Security Administrators to conduct the required activities, the attendants must check the following:
    1. Access to the DCVe production environment (*): https://dcvevolucion.dcv.cl
    2. “RSA SecurID” security system with a DCVe token with an installed/added token.

(*) The access credentials to the production environment for all the depositor’s users will be emailed to the Security Administrators of each company.

We would like to thank you for your ongoing commitment to the DCVe project. We would like to remind you about the need to read the information on the project by visiting DCV’s website in the DCV Evolution menu - Releases.

Should you have any questions, please contact your executive or send us an email to:

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Sin otro particular, saludamos atentamente a usted,