DCV News


not1 gc 01 sept ing

This 2015, Fernando Coloma, former Superintendent of Securities and Insurance was invited to speak about current events with the subject “Draft Bill, Securities and Insurance Commission”, initiative that is currently under discussion at the Congress and that transforms today’s Superintendence of Securities and Insurance in a Securities and Insurance Commission (SIC), governed by a collegiate corporate governance.


Fernando Yáñez, General Manager of DCV, highlighted the meeting as it aims to share points of view about tChilean financial and economic affairs, being a contribution to the development of the capital market.


gc fernando 01 sept 2015 ing


The top executive stated, “This year we invited Fernando Coloma, who participated in creating the first project of the Securities and Insurance Commission, which will govern us for many years. Even though the discussion of the project has been delayed, when the figure of the Securities and Insurance Commission is installed, all market players should have a greater opportunity to seek improvements and changes in the market, beyond what the Legislative Power can do with the regulations, as through the creation of the Commission we can expect changes and innovations, which is an important step for the companies".


"With this event, and as we do each year within DCV, we seek to give our clients the opportunity to have more information on a topic under development in the country, in the economy or in the market. Our leitmotiv for 22 years has been innovation in the securities market, we haven’t stopped and we never will, so we will continue to try and influence in the changes that improve the operation of the securities market ", he said.




During the presentation, Fernando Coloma referred to the reasons to have a new institutional framework that strengthens the corporate governance of the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance (SVS). Among them, he mentioned:


gc fernando 03 sept 2015 ing


o date, the main contents of the project concerning the improvement of the SVS institution are:


grafico fer sept 2015 ing


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