DCV News


Our 2021 in Numbers

 We invite you to get to know our story during 2021 in our Report.

DCV is Committed to Financial Education by Promoting the Inclusion and Financial Education Discussion Board

Tras finalizar un año de trabajo y con el objetivo de plasmar en un documento todas las actividades que ha realizado la Mesa de Inclusión y Educación Financiera (MIEF), de la cual el Depósito Central de Valores (DCV) es fundador e impulsor, se elaboró la primera Memoria que fue publicada recientemente.

It's so Nice to See you Again!

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After two years of physical distancing, Depósito Central de Valores (DCV) meets its clients again.


After two years of physical distancing, we met again in our traditional annual end-of-year meeting with our clients. With all protection measures in place, we were able to see each other in a relaxed and informal way, meet each other in some cases, and greet some old friends in others.

These last years have been challenging and demanded additional efforts from our depositor's teams and DCV. Similarly, we have been connected with the more than 1,000 users with whom we have worked together to face the transformation challenge that we started last year: DCV Evolution, which will be launched in 2022.

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“We would like to thank all participants for their commitment, engagement
and feedback; that is vital for continuous improvement, but most of all,
for the trust placed in DCV.”

Rodrigo Roblero, General Manager.

Mr. Roblero highlighted the commitment of DCV to work together with its clients to provide the best quality services. All activities have been followed by satisfaction surveys and improvements that benefit the learning and training process. These efforts are made to provide a better service, prioritizing clients' experience and favoring the development of capital markets.


Pictures of the event


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DCV Conducts the Third Version of the Fintech Expectations Survey

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Este sector de la economía se muestra bastante positivo
sobre la evolución de sus empresas.
Sin embargo, en cuanto a las expectativas económicas de 
país los resultados son menos positivos.

DCV and its Network of International and National Partnerships

Depósito Central de Valores (DCV) has a broad network of partnerships and memberships both in the international and local markets, whose aim is to find instances of cooperation, contribute to the development of the market, and strengthen its commercial value proposition.