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head avance acsda talelr de seguridad cibernetica 11 05 2018 ing

Cyber Security is probably the most important issue currently being faced by CSDs and other Financial Market Infrastructures around the world. In addition to the financial exposure, a successful attack can result in repetitional damage from which it can be difficult or potentially impossible to recover.

During an intensive two-day Workshop delegates will have the opportunity to obtain up to date information on the current threat landscape and discuss organizational strategies and tactics for defence with cyber security experts from Industry, FMIs and professional consulting firms.

EThis event will be of tremendous value to both the ACSDA member CSDs as well as Stock Exchanges, Central Banks and Regulators from the markets who will be invited to participate too, in the spirit of strengthening relationships and integration in each of our markets in which we operate.

The event will have simultaneous English/Spanish interpretation.

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