DCV closes 2017 with record figures in terms of results
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With a 15.8% increase in its deposited portfolio, compared to December last year, Depósito Central de Valores (DCV) closed 2017 reaching USD 395.9 billion, the highest figure in custody. Additionally, it had other important achievements during this period, including the completion of more than 10 new business projects and record turnover figures in DCV and DCV Registros.

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In addition to this, another important figure is the 12.2% increase in international custody volumes, compared to December, 2016, reaching a total of 42.3 million Unidades de Fomento. With these results, the last 12 months represent a very positive balance for the company, stated Javier Jara, Business and Legal Manager of DCV.

“At the end of 2017, we are satisfied with our achievements, on the one hand, with the fulfillment of the income goals and record turnover, as well as the high number of clients that joined DCV and DCV Registros during the year. It is worth bearing in mind that in DCV Registros, the number of registers managed increased significantly, currently amounting to 560”, said Javier Jara.

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In this context, an important element is also represented by the business projects that were completed, such as the support to the initiative of the Central Bank of Chile for the modernization of the technological platform of the SOMA system, and the adherence to the ISO 15,022 standard, which included sale and purchase modules, creation of instruments and the start-up of the Special Pledge service, whose creation was possible thanks to the modifications that the so-called Productivity Law introduced to Law 18,876.

Projects corresponding to the service for the contribution and redemption of mutual fund quotas with financial instruments, the new service for automatic contribution and withdrawal of OSAs, automatic reports for issuers of DCV Registros, among others, were also released to the market.

gc03 not 01 ing “It was a good year for our commercial and business development area, with a young team that is consolidating itself and which became more robust during 2017; we hope to continue growing with better results during this 2018. To continue a commercial management focused on increasing the client portfolio and on providing better services for them, with a special emphasis on the services that DCV provides to the market to actually be used by all our customers”, stated the Business Manager.

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Similarly, during 2017, DCV carried out important marketing events for its clients, such as the service quality event for operators (November Fest), the seminar on innovation and future approach, by Sergio Melnick, for clients of DCV and DCV Registros. DCV also hosted the 70th General Extraordinary Meeting of ANNA (Association of National Numbering Agencies), with the attendance of delegates from more than 20 countries.

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Also during 2017, DCV participated for the first time as a lecturer at the Financial Education Fair organized by the Superintendence of Banks and Financial Institutions (SBIF), which allowed us to deepen our financial education program DCV Educa.

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For this 2018, the company will continue working on more than a dozen ongoing projects and others that are being analyzed and that have an important focus on Innovation and Development (I+D), where we intend to make progress in the Fintech area.

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“Our focus will be on exploiting the new lines of business and income and those that, although not so new, are still in a phase of minor development. We want to increase the clients of international custody services and expand the use of the guarantee services, both of electronic and special pledge, which are new services that we have launched to the market. At the same time, we will continue enhancing the services of DCV Registros, trying to include some new features and maintain our current leadership in this market”, concluded Javier Jara.

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DCV News