DCV News

headweb andrer sept 2015 ing

not1 gc 03 sept ing

André Medel, Head of Business Continuity and Information Security of DCV, led the meeting in which Paul Caneo, President of ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association); César Pallavicini, President of the Professional Community of Continuity and Information Security; and Narciso Basic, Information Security Officer participated, in addition to executives from major companies that support the Banking Business, Retail, Consultants, Shipping and Financial, among others.


The executive pointed out that the meeting allowed "to discuss about the implemented strategies according to the international best practices and how they allow to accurately identify the responses and measures that require to implemented or strengthened in order to mitigate the impacts to which a company is exposed".


gc andre 01 sept 2015 ing

This, in the context that "business continuity is an important issue for the companies that attended the meeting, as they are an added value to their services and gain a competitive advantage in the market and in the economy of the country."


Similarly, account, DCV is hiring a service that will review not only the PEP (who hold public office, his top deputy and blood relatives to the second degree), but also the PEP affinity.


In DCV’s case, Medel highlighted that operational continuity is a strategic pillar for the development of the company, an entity that has set as its goal on "being the last component of the financial system to stop operating and the first one to recover", whatever the incident or disaster. Also, protect the life and physical integrity of the company employees and of the people present in its offices at the time of an incident.




One of the main accomplishments of DCV in this matter is to have two international certifications: BS 25999 and ISO 22301, obtained in October 2013 and May 2014, respectively.


"Both certifications validate DCV's commitment to the implementation of international best practices in a process based on continuous improvement. Similarly, it is confirmed at a global level that DCV is a company, which in addition to its experience, is able to have a rapid and effective response when facing a threat of an unexpected and potentially devastating interruption of the operations, it protects its business and reputation, as well as preserving the interests of its stakeholders. "


Regarding Company strategies to face major disruption events, Medel mentioned that among operational aspects it has been defined that any resource that supports the critical services of the company is duplicated, that is, the key functions of employees, agencies, as well as technological components.


DCV Noticias